Major Unusual Incident (MUI) / Unusual Incident (UI)

A major unusual incident (O.A.C.5123:2-17-02) is defined as any alleged, suspected, or actual occurrence of an incident that adversely affects the health and safety of an individual. There are nineteen types of incidents defined in the rule that are considered major unusual incidents.

All Service Providers are mandated reporters and are held to the MUI Rule:
Ohio DODD UI and MUI

All incidents require that:

  • Immediate action is taken to protect individuals from further harm.
  • An investigation is conducted to determine the cause of the incident and contributing factors.
  • Prevention plan is put in place to reduce the likelihood of future occurrences.
MUIs are reported to the local County Board of DD, which then reports the information to the DODD. County Boards of DD are responsible for immediate action, investigation, and prevention planning for each incident.

For more information or to report an MUI contact Margaret Halter at or call 419-289-0470 during business hours or the SSA crisis line after hours 419-651-3760.