Requests for Providers

Please contact the listed SSA for more information


16-year student needs HPC before and after school. The hours may vary according to seizure activity. He will need verbal reminders to stay on track getting to school and assistance getting on bus or transportation. At end of his school day assisting him off bus and afterschool activities: snack and activities.
Contact Karen Snyder: Call/Text 567-203-1072 or email


Individual is a 48 yo male. Individual is hearing impaired and lives in the home with parent in Loudonville. Individual works part-time at Camp NuHop. Level 1 Waiver/ in need HPC/transportation.
Contact LeAnn Eshelman 419-606-3721 or email

HPC with HPC Transportation

33 year-old female with L1 waiver residing in Nova WITH her family needs HPC, HPC transportation. Looking for part time services when not in attendance at day hab. She needs assistance with: personal care, physical assistance when walking on uneven surfaces, community activities, and visual supervision to keep her safe. Would prefer female provider and would consider agencies and independent providers.
Contact Eric Cole (419)651-1093 or email

Residential Respite

Adult male with I/O waiver living in Ashland with family needs residential respite services provided in his home 8 hours per week. Service hours could be broken up into two 4 hour days, with flexible days and times. He needs assistance with some personal care, meal prep and cleanup, household chores, and supervision.
Contact Eric Cole (419)651-1093 or email

HPC/HPC Transportation

34 yr old female with L1 waiver residing in Loudonville needs assistance with community activities. Provider to arrange and facilitate shopping, social and community outings in Ashland. Transportation into community for activities and appointments. 40 hours/ 100 miles month. She is independent with mobility and transfers, and can ride in a non-modified vehicle.
Contact LeAnn Eshelman 419-606-3721 or email

HPC with Transportation

24 y/o female in Ashland with I/O waiver is seeking HPC with transportation 2 days weekly for 5 hours each day (10 hours total per week, 200 miles/month). Interested in community outings and activities, and seeking increase in socialization. Needs assistance with managing medical appointments, follow up to appointments, She is independent with mobility and transfers, and can ride in a non-modified vehicle. No assistance with personal care needed. Clearly communicates wants and needs.
Contact Katie McGugin: Call/Text 419-606-3512 or email